The Three Ring Binders, is a hand bookbinding studio operated by Amy Lapidow, located in Somerville, MA.  I graduated  from  the North Bennet Street School's two year bookbinding program in 1995 and have had a private bookbinding business ever since. I have trained in and continue to learn a wide range of bookbinding styles and techniques .

    In addition, I am engaged in various aspects of the bookbinding/book arts field through teaching  at the North Bennet Street School workshop program, Connecticut College, and The Book Arts Guild of Vermont .

I am a member of these professional bookbinding associations:

The Canadian Bookbinding and Book Artist Guild

The Guild of Bookworkers

The Society of Bookbinders

The Moveable Book Society

The Book Arts Guild of Vermont

  I am  happy to discuss my work with you and also enjoy collaboration with others.